Orleans, MA: Over 30 hours of restoration work went into this wonderful 1980 Buck Rogers System 1 from Gottlieb! It came out really nice and a pleasure to play if not just admire as it is a working piece of artwork. =)
The work performed: Installed new BG Restorations mirrored back glass to replace the badly worn and paint flaked off one. Took top of playfield apart and Magic-Erased. Replaced 2 new coils on playfield yellow drop coil and right pop coil. Cleaned all light sockets and inserts, buffed playfield, buffed wire actuators and reinstalled. Cleaned gi sockets and installed a mixture of LED and incandescent bulbs. Touched up playfield, cleaned top vari-target assembly top side as well as underside, cleaned all clear posts and replaced 10 of them with new, cleaned plastics and oven flattened them. Added light socket to top right kicker saucer, cleaned apron, filed flipper contacts both cab and eos as well as pop bumper contacts. Replaced all 4 original worn out and problematic circuit boards with Pascal all-in-one board and new updated sound board. Installed premium silicone rubber kit, 2 new balls, buffed all metal including playfield metal and rear channel apron and backglass metal. Parts installed: Pascal Pi-x4 all in one circuit board and sound card, Silicone Rubber kit, warm LEDS for GI and some feature lights, BG Resto mirrored backglass, Flipper rebuild kits, legs and hardware, 2 balls and shooter and plate, Playfield protector, 8 new drop target set, 2 coils, new sheet of tempered glass.